Friday, 20 November 2015

Not a lemon! 20/11/2015

Finally I'm at home in Abruzzo and I can write some update of my tree! As you can see it is grown a lot since the last update. This first half of November was sunny and warm and the tree is having a great time.
However the big news is that I now what kind of tree it is!
Looking closely to the image you can see few spikes on the trunk (and my finger in the right corner). When i was planting the i used a lot of different seeds at the beginning but the only tree that has spike is the Bitter Orange. That is a little bit disappointing because the fruits of this tree are not really good to eat, but the full growth tree looks great and in a second time I can try to insert a graft of a sweet orange tree to make the fruits tasty!

Monday, 24 August 2015

Leaving my tree again and the new pot! 24/08/2015

Tomorrow i will go back to Milan and probably i will not come back in Abruzzo untill late October. However i'm happy to leave the tree so healthy and strong, even after that my mother changed the pot when I was away from home, even if she said earlier that was better to change it in autumn. Now the tree looks a little bit shorter becose all the roots are now underground, while before there were some of them emerging fro the bottom.
Whether report: the past two weeks were not really hot and there were even several stormy days. Even today is a bit cloudy but from tomorrow it is supposed to come back to be sunny but the really hot summer days seems ended.
See you around October, or even earlier. I don't really know now!

Saturday, 8 August 2015

One month after 08/08/2015

What a surprise! I went back in Abruzzo after one month and my tree grew a lot! I didn't know that summer make the little trees grow so fast!
I had to put a little support for the tree because now is tall but the final part is not that strong and if there will be a windy day I'm scared that it can break. However i'm really happy to see my tree growing that much!
Now the pot is starting to be too little for it but my mother suggested me to wait untill autumn to transfer the tree on a bigger pot because in this period of the year it is in a germination stage and if i cut some roots now there is the possibility to create some serious damage to the tree.
Summer here is really hot and sunny, with no rain at all. However the tree is receiving a good amount of water and also some coffee grounds sometimes.

I will probably post another update in a couple of weeks, before to go back to Milan.

Saturday, 4 July 2015

Almost a year! 04/07/2015

Oh God, it is 1 year since the last update. 
Now i'm living in Milan but my tree is still at my parent's home in Abruzzo. That is why i didn't posted nothing since last july...
However as you can see the tree is growing really good!
My mother say that is a lemon tree and in fact it is pretty similar to the bigger lemon trees that we have in the garden.
I don't really know what to do thit those roots. Part of them are outside form the ground. Should i cover it with or it is fine like this?
Now here it is really hot and sunny here but i think that the little tree will enjoy this weather. I've just put it near some flowers to have a little bit of shadows on the tree.

I hope to post a next update in the second half of August